Tuesday, April 13, 2010

No Poo???

No I am not referring to actual poo. I am talking about no shampoo! Yep that's right no shampoo!! I have decided to give up using chemically infused shampoos all together!!

So why did I decide to go shampoo free??

While shampoo "cleans" your hair it can also remove all the oils your scalp naturally produces. These oils help keep your hair soft and shiny which is why sometimes we notice that our hair looks so much better a few days after we have washed it. Most shampoos also contain harmful ingredients such as mineral oil, which is a byproduct when gasoline is distilled from crude oil, and Sodium lauryl sulfate, which is synthetic chemical regulated as a pesticide. Sodium lauryl sulfate can be drying and harsh for the hair and causes eye irritation ( that explains the burning sensation we feel when it falls in our eyes!), allergic reactions and even hair loss. The mineral oil is added to provide an artificial coating on the strands of the hair which in turn make your hair look shiny. Mineral Oil is not quickly absorbed into the scalp so it remains there and blocks the release of natural oils. This creates a greasy cap in your scalp which requires more shampoo to remove. So you see it's a vicious cycle. You make your hair dependent on something that might not necessarily make it healthier in the long run.

With this being said I am beginning my journey into the No Poo world today since it will be the last time my hair was washed with so called organic shampoos. So what will I be using instead of shampoo??? I will be following a simple recipe of Baking Soda wash with an Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse. Ok before you cringe at the thought of putting vinegar in your hair let me state that the smell of SMALL amounts of apple cider vinegar do not remain in your hair if thoroughly rinsed out. Why Baking Soda? Because baking soda gently clarifies hair from chemical buildup. Why Apple Cider Vinegar? Because Apple Cider Vinegar detangles the hair follicles, seals the cuticle, and balances the hair’s pH balance.

How exactly will I be mixing these? Here's how!

One tablespoon of baking soda to one cup of water

One tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to one cup of water

Mix the baking soda and the water in a bottle (shake) and pour over your head like you would with a regular shampoo. Massage into your scalp for a few minutes and then rinse off. If you have thick or long hair you might need two tablespoons. However too much baking soda can dry your hair so test it out and see what works for you.

Once you have rinsed off the baking soda, mix the apple cider vinegar with water in a bottle ( shake) and pour over your head. Leave on for about a minute or two and rinse off. If you tend to have oily hair by nature then you might not need to use too much Apple Cider Vinegar.

There you have the simple recipe! Will this work wonders for my hair??? Who knows!! But I am willing to give it a shot and see.

I have attached a picture of my hair as it is right now after being washed today.


Tamara said...

Jelou! So the pic is after washing with the vinegar/BS mix or after your last Poo wash? Update me later on this. Curious to see how it works. My issue is if I don't put on mousse it frizzes like crazy! Keep writing. Voy a ti! xo!

Unknown said...

This pic is after my last wash with Poo which was done today. I also have the same issues with the mousse. I have been trying to do away with the mousse because it dries my hair as well so hopefully this will work! I will post pictures of the progress!

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